About the Director
Annita Wahab, children’s occupational therapist
Annita has worked in a number of NHS children’s occupational therapy services in South East London and Essex. She is an experienced practitioner and clinical lead who has worked with children with a wide range of conditions seeing children in their homes, schools and clinic settings.
Annita has over 12 years of experience as an occupational therapist. Prior to this, Annita worked in the mental health voluntary sector for children and young people.
Annita has a first class honours degree obtained in 2011 from Canterbury Christchurch University.
Annita has particular expertise in the following areas:
Education, health, care needs assessments: Assessing; writing and quality-assuring occupational therapy EHC needs reports for health and SEN.
Developmental coordination disorder assessments (commonly known as dyspraxia).
Sensory needs assessment and advice: Annita has a distinction in sensory integration level one: foundations and neuroscience.
EHCP provision in schools
SEN occupational therapy assessment, advice and support for children with a range of conditions from hemiplegia to Down Syndrome; autism and ADHD to general learning difficulties; developmental coordination disorder to congenital anomalies. This includes but is not limited to: sensory interventions, fine motor skills and handwriting.
Assessment for specialist equipment for children with complex conditions such as cerebral palsy.
Additional training:
Cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance approach
EHCP outcomes
Handwriting without Tears
Managing self-harm
Sensory modulation
Sensory integration: module one
Sleep difficulties
Specialist seating training
Telephone helpline work
Therapeutic listening and quick shifts
Toilet training for children with additional needs
Zones of regulation